Sydney Earth Hour ... what an interesting name for me....
cos according to the newspaper in Malaysia and other countries...It seems that during that particular hour which is 31st March 2007, the whole Sydney for the first time observe the Earth hour. It means, ideally, whole Sydney would be very dark during Earth Hour.
Me and Frens so interested....
so, we decided to take bus to somewhere overlooking Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge...The streets were so crowded with people busy walking here and there rushing to be at some Earth Hour concert on time...buses are full and everyone was so excited...whatever reason they are excited for...
Finally we reach somewhere in Circular Quay...
Happily sitting on a bench overlooking the sea and the Opera House...
waiting for our target to turn dark all of a sudden...
In Australia, the two most significant ' light provider' , I think should be Sydney Harbour
Bridge and Sydney Opera House ...
let me show you a picture of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge which is still bright...and another one which is partly dark...or you may say partly bright...
Just cannot understand why they leave it partly bright...

Usual Opera house During Earth hour
photo taken :
Actually the street is still very bright, we were very disappointed....
maybe the high rise building would be quite interesting to look at...because
some portion are bright and some are not...

After that, nothing much to do....we went China town at George Street..
initially heard from friends that there is a mamak stall there....
here....till now, we cant detect even 1 mamak stall...too used to mamak back in
UTP...think mamak can really be a tourist attraction...hahhaha...
I miss roti pisang and carrot susu...
plus mee goreng...
yea, back to the topic, we cant find that mamak stall ... :)
-The end-