Celebration of mum's bday ...
It has been a long long time since the last visit to genting ...
Not much changes actually ...
Most people are still going there to donate $ to the developement of Genting City ... LOL
What I like most about Genting ??
1. I like cabel car...cos, it high and it makes u feel high !!....and its very inetresting where you can c ppl who are scared of sitting cabel car and ppl who are so so so afraid of height ....
They started to come out with some theory...which I've learnt throughout the cable car ride..
If u are going up...u have to sit in front..where u can slowly c the cable car moving towards your destination...and the other way round la...
Observation made shows that.....if you are very scared of something, and at the same time there is another person that is worse than u....then the feeling of scared will be reduced....
2. The weather...sunny, but cool......and the vague atmosphere... Here is it ....

3. Memories ......
When I was form 3.....that was the place where i first time saw my....prince....
Jacky Chueng....so yeng, but I din get to buy the ticket for his concert....just standing outside the arena of stars....whole nite with my fren....so cool...freezing...thats the power of 'love' LOL
4. Space shot ....
Although it cant satisfy a person with a high expectation of fear...err err...anxiety... and the rise your adrenalin level... like me...
It does give u a feeling of flying in the air....maybe like a carpet ride with aladdin...lol :P
1 interesting thing to be mentioned....
We noticed....a gang of 6 ppl...acted apparently different from others...

The scenery of genting is quite nice la......

Uncle Lim is so .... geng .... building such city in such area ... is a challenge those days ....
I was thinking to build a sky city in the air .... which will be floating .... LOL ..... and can see the map of the world from there.... so yeng !!!!