Mitch Albom.....Tuesdays with Morrie

An old man
a young man
and life’s greatest lesson
It’s a fourteen weeks lesson of a dying professor with his student…Perhaps; it’s more precise to regard it as the last thesis together…The thesis of life.
A dying man talking with a living man and telling him what to pack for his alterlife. When death is just a distance away from you, you will find the essentials of life…If you were told that you were given 86400 seconds to live … what will be the first thing to strike your mind? I propose…most of us will ask a similar question that sounds more or less like this “why I was given so little of time?”, how many of us will happily says …. ‘At least I have one day left’?…That sounds silly right? Once you learn how to die and you will learn how to live --- Professor Morrie. I agree with that, when you know that you have not much time left, you will focus on the important things in life…and I believe that they are the things what we really want…In fact, someone who is going to die will always thinks differently…they learn the word “detach”... since, we won’t be bringing anything with us just like we were born to the earth with nothing…
You want to do one thing, but you are bound to do something else. Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn’t. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take anything for granted. You want to tell someone you loved “I love you”, but the word just got caught in your throat.
Some people keep hanging around with their daily routine. They think that what they are doing are what they suppose to do…they’re people who don’t know what they really need in life.
Some people are busy with things that they think they should do in life in order to survive in the society they are in…they have a model of their own ideal life, but they are somehow forced not to lead that kind of life…they’re people who always have regrets and unsatisfied with their life. They will prefer to lead other people’s life which they think is suitable for them…but, they can’t.
I think I am the latter one…but, I do believe that, fate is on our hand, we control our own life….heard before a saying goes like this “You are underutilize because you choose not to be utilized”…that’s some saying from Donald trump in the apprentice….It’s sad to be one of them, but…the saddest thing is in fact they’re most of us….
I love this book os much...till I read the whole story to my dad...
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