
Parallels between life and a puzzle.
When beginning both life and a new puzzle, all the different pieces are all scrambled up in front of us with no real instructions, however we do know each step would lead us to a direction. Some people think the step they took would lead them to the direction they wanted, but a lot of times it doesn't. After we examine our current situation, we notice there are all different ways we can begin our journey. We may decide to start in one corner or another, depending on what we feel is best for us.
I have found it best to get your edges down first as a strong foundation to help us see what direction we're wanting to take. As we continue working, we notice that some parts come easy to us, and others can become a challenge. Just as in life, we all struggle in differing ways. Each obstable, or lesson that we learn in life is like getting the next piece in the right position.
Sometimes, things come along in life that seem like they belong and fit, but after some struggling and frustation, we finally submit to the fact that it just doesn't belong, at least not here and not now.
But, there is a huge difference between life and puzzle. Life puzzle is not fixed ... We struggle to build a different picture that we wanted ...In puzzle that we solved, we know where we are getting to based on the picture displayed on the puzzle box...Seldom it happens where the puzzle you solve is different from the one u bought.....But, in life puzzle...there are steps taken to solve the pictures that we wanted...and the picture will change with time...we would not know till we complete the life journey...
Or maybe there are still a lot of incompletion even after we finish our journey...but, that is a kind of beauty as well...
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